Serial Killer Sunday

La Bestia Up for Parole, Investigators Apologize for Dropping the Ball in Serial Killer Investigations, I-70 Serial Killer Cold Case Heats Up, and a Tongue-in-Cheek Critique of the “Deadliest” Zodiac Signs

Joni E. Johnston, Psy. D.
5 min readNov 7, 2021
copyright free courtesy of Unsplash and Jane Duursma

For those of you who’ve read my book about serial killers, you know I first started jonesing about my future mind-hunting career as a teenage true crime buff who read about Charles Manson while on a family vacation. It was during this two-week road trip that I decided to solve the puzzle of the criminal mind. (Ah, the optimism of adolescence). I’m still trying.

So it should come as no surprise that I keep up with what’s happening in the world of serial offenders. It’s the chronically violent offender — the person who hurts others over and over again — who poses the most danger, especially when the violence is planned.

I want to know everything. I want to study their childhoods. I want to understand their lives before their criminal career, pinpoint when they begin fantasizing about murder and find what pushed them from fantasy to action. I want insight into why they committed their crimes, whom they chose as victims and why, and why they weren’t caught sooner. The more we know, the more we can spot them sooner and catch…



Joni E. Johnston, Psy. D.

Forensic psychologist/private investigator//author of serial killer book. Passionate about victim’s rights, the psychology of true crime, and criminal justice.